As my junior year of college comes to a close I have not only been able to reflect on the lessons that I have learned thus far, but I have also had the opportunity to reflect on the areas I have found a new interest in. This year in particular my interest in nonprofits have…
The Blog

My Top 10 Favorite Nonprofit Blogs
While there is no particular order I have complied a list of 10 blogs that focus on nonprofits. I believe that the nonprofit sector is filled with the most thoughtful, dedicated and strategic professional. The blogs that I have listed below also agree with that and that is why they take the time to highlight…

What is Ducks Give?
If you follow any of the University of Oregon’s social media accounts I am sure you saw for the last few weeks or so that they were posting about this event called Ducks Give. While it is assumed by the name that it is an event that aims to encourage Oregon ducks to donate, I…

Ways to Use Data to Encourage Nonprofit Support
For nonprofits it is vitally important for them to visually display what the issue is in which they are solving. This is because much of our society are visual learners so to ensure donors and volunteers truly know the need for their support nonprofits can use infographics to display that need in a way much…

Beyond the Surface: What It Really Takes to Qualify as a Nonprofit Organization
At face value, many may find nonprofits to be quite simple. Due to its name, many think that they are simply an organization that cannot make a profit from what they sell and do. However, both the structure and how nonprofit organizations are created are not simple at all. On average, it can take up…

Athletes and Organizations With a Vision Far Beyond Just Sports
The general public often puts so much into sports wether it be through them purchasing merchandise, tickets, or just simply following along their favorite athletes and teams. Sports would not be able to survive without this kind of interaction becasue of the sheer expense of having to put games on. I have spoken about this…

What to Look For in a CSR Program to Ensure They Are Legitimate
I think that area that I find most interesting in the PR industry is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The main reason is because most companies use their CSR programs to connect with nonprofits. This portion of the PR sector directly connects both of my interests of in PR and nonprofits in a way that…

I See You, I Hear You, and I Support for You
My message to all college athletes facing the hidden opponent Katie Meyer, Robert Martin, Sara Schulz, and Lauren Bernett. Those four names belong to college athletes that took their own life between April and March. They hail from four universities and four states. They have four community’s, four friend groups and most importantly four families…

The Struggles of Working for a Nonprofit
As I have began to learn more about the nonprofit sector I have seen how vastly different from for-profit companies are from nonprofits and the distinct difference is how they are managed. With nonprofits they have a set mission and practices but their revenue stream is often unpredictable and unreliable. This possess a challenge when…

How Sports Nonprofit Change From One Organization to the Next
In hopes of highlighting the community in which I currently live in I wanted to take this week to discuss nonprofits in my local area. In this blog I will highlight the sports nonprofits that are both well-known and not so well known in hopes of showing how nonprofits can vary in all aspects. The…